Digital skills to navigate an online world: exploring youth data from ySKILLS survey – 23 de março

caraz_cidadaniaNo âmbito da segunda edição dos Webinares “Children, Youth and Digital Media”, vai decorrer, no próximo dia 23 de março, das 14h00 às 16h00, o primeiro destes três momentos de partilha e reflexão. Neste dia, Susana Batista, apresentará alguns dados sobre o Projeto ySKILLS.

Estes Webinares decorrem no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) Children, Youth and Digital Media, da responsabilidade da Professora Lídia Marôpo, integrada no Semestre Internacional. Uma vez que a UC é destinada a estudantes estrangeiros,  a sessão será em língua inglesa.

As inscrições podem ser feitas aqui: 

Digital skills to navigate an online world: exploring youth data from ySKILLS survey This presentation starts by considering the concept of digital skills, given its recognized importance in the ability of youth to take advantage of opportunities, deal with risks and participate online. Exploring recent data from ySKILLS project of children aged 13-17 years, we will then discuss the level and profile of digital skills and knowledge and its relation to activities performed online as well as the role of parents (and other educators) as mediators of digital technologies.

Susana Batista is an Invited Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH and researcher at CICS.NOVA (Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais). She holds a Sociology PhD from ISCTE. She is involved in and has co-coordinated several national research projects in education, namely ESCXEL Project – School Network for Excellence. She is currently a researcher of the ySkills Project (Horizon 2020 project) and member of the EU Kids Online Portuguese team. She has research on public action in education, quantitative methods and youth and media.

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