3rd Exercise Biomechanics Nutrition

3rd Edition

Exercise, Biomechanics and Nutrition

4 and 5 of June, School of Education of Polytechnic Institute of Setubal Auditorium (Creditation for IPDJ TF and TEF: 3.2 UC)

Abstract Submission Deadline: 26 of May, 2024, 23:59 CET

Goals and Highlights

The International Congress in Exercise, Biomechanics and Nutrition is a periodic event organized by the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal. The origen of this scientific event is to disseminate knowledge about the latest developments in the field of physical exercise and their implications for health, quality of life and sports performance. However, this divulgation character is followed of an impulse of the research in the Sports Sciences fields with different oral communication sessions. In the first 2 editions, it was presented more than 75 oral communications and it has participated speakers of international recognized prestigious. For this third edition, speakers from seven different institutions will be presented, with technical-scientific competences recognized worldwide and that will certainly contribute to the increase of the technical competences of the participants.

Dynamic, current and high quality lectures; 12 Speakers from Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Iran and Spain;
Presentation of academic and scientific works; In-Pearson and online via Zoom;


Organizing Committee

Chair: Luis Leitão – ESE-IPSetúbal

Teresa Figueiredo, Amilcar Antunes, Ana Pereira, Ana Figueira, Paulo Nunes – ESE-IP Setúbal

Scientific Committee

Chair: Luis Leitão – ESE-IP Setúbal

Teresa Figueiredo – IP Setúbal, Portugal

Simon Walker – University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

Maria Francesca Piacentini – University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy

Raul Dominguez, António Sánchez-Oliver – Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Fernando Pareja Blanco – Universidad de Pablo de Olavide, Spain

Alberto Pérez-López – Universidad de Alcalá, Spain

Jose Carmelo Adusar – University of Extremadura, Spain

Moacir Marocolo and Jeferson Vianna – Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil

Jefferson Novaes – Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Maria do Socorro Cirilo-Sousa – URCA, Brazil

Osvaldo Moreira – Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brazil

Abstract Submission

Abstracts submission and 3-minute video with presentation of the work till 26 of May at 23:59

Mandatory: Abstract must be submitted in English and in Portuguese or Spanish throught link above and the 3-minute video with presentation of the work (in Portuguese, Spanish or English) must be sended by email.

All authors will receive an email with the acceptance of their work along with the schedule of presentations. The presenter of the work must be online (zoom link) or in-person at the auditorium of ESE-IPSetúbal to answer to any question of their work.

All accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts of the Event.


Free of Charge but registration is mandatory.

The event will be held in-person at the ESE-IP Setúbal auditorium and online via zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97888573585

Contacts: congressodesportoese@ese.ips.pt

Address: Escola Superior de Educação, Campus do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Estefanilha 2914-504 Setúbal


June 4th, Tuesday

10:00 – Opening Session – ESE Auditorium
Angela Lemos | President of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal
Ana Cristina Figueira | Vice-Dean of ESE-IP Setúbal
Luis Leitao | Professor at the Science and Technology Department of ESE-IP Setúbal

10:30 – Physical Activity, Exercise and Nutrition – ESE Auditorium
Are practical alkalizing supplementation in athletes? – PhD Alberto Pérez-Lopéz, University of Alcála, Spain

11:20 – Breaking the gender gap in sports nutrition – PhD Raul Dominguez, University of Seville, Spain

12:00 – Abstract/Video Oral Presentations I

13:00 – Lunch Break

14:00 – Exercise and Biomechanics in sport – ESE Auditorium
Valoración Clínica del Deportista con Biomarcadores de Laboratorio – PhD Diego Fernández-Lázaro, University of Valladolid, Spain

14:40 – Assessment of aerobic fitness in team sports athletes – PhD Rocco Di Michele, University of Bologna, Italy

15:20 – Technology is in Your Brain: Synergizing Questionnaires, Wearable Technology, and Artificial Intelligence – PhD Hadi Nobari, University of Extremadura, Spain

17:00- 19:30 Abstract/Video Oral Presentations II

June 5th, Wednesday

8:30 – Abstract/Video Oral Presentations III

9:30 – New technologies for designing and controlling training programs for enhancing health and quality of life – PhD Horacio Sanchez-Trigo, University of Seville, Spain

10:10 – Force Assessment in Football. The FAIF project – Marcos Soriano, University of Camilo José Cela, Spain

10:50 – New technologies for controlling the training load in professional soccer players – PhD Jose Carlos Bárbero Alvarez, University of Granada, Spain

13:30 – Lunch Break

14:00 – Incorporating new technologies in sport rehabilitation: From injury to Return-to-Play – Researcher Javier Pecci, University of Seville, Spain

15:20 – O sono como fator impactante na performance desportiva – Dra. Inês Gonçalves, Portugal

16:20 – Congress Closing Session
João Pires| Dean of Superior School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal
Luis Leitão | Professor of Science and Technology Department at ESE-IP Setúbal
Ana Pereira | Coordinator of the Degree in Sports at ESE-IP Setúbal


PhD Raúl Domínguez

PhD Alberto Pérez-López

PhD Hadi Nobari

PhD Diego Fernandez-Lázaro

PhD Rocco Di Michele

Phd Angel Carnero-Diaz

PhD Horacio Sanchez-Trigo

MsT Javier Pecci

PhD José Carlos Barbero-Álvarez

PhD Marcos Soriano

Dra Inês Gonçalves

Dra. Andreia Nunes